The Income Tax School is a nationwide online tax school that serves thousands of tax professionals and students each year. While that takes an entire team of employees to run, at its core both The Income Tax School and Peoples Tax are a family business.
It didn’t start out as a family business, but it evolved into being one. Way back when, my then fiancee (now wife) Marilyn lent me $60 to take my first tax class. That class got me a job as a seasonal tax preparer at H&R Block, which led to becoming their Mid-Atlantic regional director and then the New York City regional director. In 1987, I opened Peoples Income Tax, and in 1989 after seeing a need for quality tax education, I opened The Income Tax School to provide turn-key kits enabling independent tax business owners nationwide to operate their own tax schools. Then, to be able to teach students directly nationwide, I launched elearning courses in 2003.
About 18 years ago, my daughter Terry joined the company and is now our Marketing Director. A few years after that, my wife Marilyn joined us as our Vice President of Human Resources. Terry and Marilyn complement me and, together, we make a great top management team that is totally committed to the success of the company. Without Marilyn and Terry, I don’t think the business would have survived the many challenges we have encountered and overcome together.
In addition to my family, our company has hired relatives of several employees, which has increased the family nature of our business.
This year, as I think about the things I am thankful for, I am most thankful for my family and our family business and everyone’s commitment to our success. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!