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Will IRS Modernized E-File (CADE2) result in the RAL becoming Obsolete?

IRS Modernized E-File (CADE) promised to speed up direct deposit refunds to a few days instead of about 2 weeks . Read Details at:,,id=204763,00.html The new CADE2 IRS project is explained at the following link.: We have been phasing out of RALs…

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Are you planning to lease a tax office?

Below is a link to an article on with many tips on negotiating a lease, and it specifically refers to a  lease negotiation for a tax office.  During my career in the tax industry, I’ve negotiated, directly or indirectly,  more than…

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Midas Marketing Book Review

Midas Marketing by Rob Slee, Founder of Midas Nation. In his previous book, Midas Managers, Slee studied the characteristics and business practices of highly successful entrepreneurs. In Midas Marketing, he describes a new mindset to ensure business success; a set of business…

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Helpful IRS Resources

Our key tax professionals registered for IRS e-Services as soon as they became available well over a year ago.   IRS has been slow to roll out the promised services, but what is available has been helpful.  We are able to manage our…

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